

导读 大家好,小金来为大家解答以上的问题。芭比之圣诞颂歌2,芭比之圣诞颂歌这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Oh christmas tre


1、Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovelyOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovelyEach year you bring to me delight, meaning in the christmas nightOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovelyOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, with faithful leaves unchangingOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, with faithful leaves unchangingYour boughs are green, in sommers glow and do not fade in winters snowOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, with faithful leaves unchangingEach year you bring to me delight, meaning in the christmas nightOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovely。
